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Profile Confirmation

Thank you for sending us your profile. If any of the information below is incorrect, return to the Profile Submission page and   re-submit your profile.

Driver Name: driver_name
Forum Handle: forum_handle
Hometown: hometown
Age: age

E-mail: e_mail

Team Name: team_name
Personal Website: personal_website
Occupation: Occupation
Business Description: business_description

Business Website: business_website
NASA Region: nasa_region
Number: number
Years in Series: years_in_series

Sponsors: sponsors
Racing History: history
Why did you join the Challenge Series? why_join
What are your favorite tracks? favorite_tracks

Who do you enjoy beating most? beat_most
Who have you shared the track with most? shared_track
What was your first car? first_car
What is your favorite car? favorite_car

What is your favorite drink? favorite_drink
What is your favorite food? favorite_food

You may return to the Profile Submission form by using the Back button in your browser.

Send Pics Click here to submit your profile pictures.


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